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MAP IT Marketing

MAP IT Marketing

Trying to work out how all your marketing fits together is tricky, especially when you're trying to juggle everything else you need to do while running a small business.  MAP IT Marketing steps you through how to create your own marketing map, building out a marketing strategy that is practical, and will help you take action after every episode.

Listen and learn with your host, marketing strategist and coach Rachel Klaver, as she breaks down the steps of building out a marketing action plan specifically for the small business owner. (because we are different than a big company! We have smaller budgets, less resource and far less time!)

Join Rachel as she shares her own business lessons and learning, or enjoy her expert guests talking tactics to help you become more confident in your own marketing. As we walk through all the different steps you need to take to build out your marketing activity, you'll be able to note what you need to do to implement the marketing advice and tactics. Think of it as your own marketing coach, helping you sift through all the small business marketing information, and working out what you need to do next.  

Want a clear direction in your marketing? Let's come make a map.

Recent Episodes

March 11, 2025

Learning to love the word NO in sales and marketing

In this episode of MAP IT Marketing, I dive into the messy relationship most of us have with the word NO - why it feels so personal, how to handle it better, and why it’s actually a necessary part of running a business. Spoil...
March 6, 2025

Balancing Two Businesses with Charlotte Russell

Oh it all feels like a good idea until you're doing it! That decision to launch a second business that kind of complements your first one, but in a completely different space. This is exactly what podiatrist Charlotte Russell...
March 4, 2025

Going Rogue: What Makes People Hesitate (and How to Remove Those Blocks)

In this rogue episode of the MAP Marketing Podcast, Rachel Klaver dives into the real reasons people hesitate during the sales process—and spoiler alert: it’s rarely about price. From trust issues to overwhelm and the fear of...
March 3, 2025

The Rogue Week: Marketing and Perimenopause,

n this rogue episode of the MAP Marketing Podcast, Rachel Klaver dives into the often-untouched topic of perimenopause and how it impacts business owners—especially women over 40. With no editor to tidy things up, Rachel chat...
March 2, 2025

Sometimes, You Just Have to Go Rogue

In this off-the-cuff episode of the MAP Marketing Podcast, Rachel Klaver goes rogue—no podcast editor, no script, just a real chat about the messy side of business and marketing. After a few rounds of podcast relaunches and a...
Aug. 31, 2023

How to Know When to End a Part of Your Business

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About the Host

Rachel Klaver Profile Photo

Rachel Klaver

Marketing Coach

In a world of tiny precise niches, I discovered the best niche for me was “whatever one I could stuff all my interests, experiences and passion into”

And that came down to “Helping people learn to connect with each other using content.”

Or… content marketing for people wanting to grow a connected and engaged community. (and have consistently growing 'easy sales' from it without feeling you need to get "icky" to convince people to buy from you.