When it comes to products on a shelf, what makes someone buy yours (unless it’s a firm favourite they buy all the time” is going to start with the packaging. Make it something your target market loves, and they’ll even perhap...
For makers and creatives, there's a huge shift that needs to be made when we start to commercialise our art and creations. It’s one thing to create an original, prepare things in small batches. It’s another thing entirely to ...
Perzen Patel is on a mission. Sure she’s the co-founder of a curry paste company, and loves nothing more than hearing that “ding” on the Shopify website (seriously… who doesn’t! That little ding is dopamine in a sound!), but ...
How do you make decisions in your business? Do you tap into your intuition, listening for how you believe you should move, and being guided by that to make the big decisions in your business, and the rest of your life? Bex Li...
There’s something about a beautiful coat. Finding the perfect coat for you can transform your outfit into something stunning. In 2019 Claire launched Velma and Beverley, a bespoke coat and jacket company becoming known for it...
The first time I tried Vince it was in a white paper bag, passed to me by its creator Debbie Stowe at one of my live training events. I took it home and over the next few days used it in my family cooking. Nobody noticed unti...
When Thunderpants started almost 27 years ago, selling comfortable underwear first in Nelson, then nationally and later internationally, it was like most other clothing companies. There was a woman’s range, and then later a m...
I’m getting older (aren’t we all!) and often get super frustrated when trying to find clothing, and skin care that is targeted to me, but uses younger faces and bodies. I want to see things using my type of skin. Or my type o...
I’m incredible thankful we now live in a world where pursuing a life where you can support yourself with your art and creativity is now a completely viable idea. When my mum was young, and she was a potter, it was the times o...
A month ago I got a mystery package in the mail. A colleague had sent me a surprise gift to say thankyou for a referral. It was a box of beautifully packaged dehydrated fruit from a company called Little Beauties. The package...
Yes it’s true. Email marketing can make a dramatic difference to your sales with an e-commerce business. But if you think sending out a monthly email to everyone on your list is going to get you the results you deserve, then ...
If there’s one thing you can be assured of, about all else, it’s that digital marketing is in a constant state of change. While I guess many of us were all hoping the introduction of IOS14 this time last year was going to com...
What do you do when a pandemic blocks your opportunity to go on the OE you’ve been planning and saving for for years? Well for Charlotte Greer, it was the perfect opportunity to start a business. After saving, while studying ...
If I could get my Christmas wish in early (very early!) it would be this: That you will get to Christmas Day with a good amount of profit in your account and you’ll be able to do more than wish you were napping all day over t...
Five years ago, Cherie Metcalfe started a business selling salts, laid out on a duvet cover at a local market. Her goal was simply to contribute to the family income, without having to return to the late night life of cooking...