Things are hard out there for many small business owners right now. And I’m finding more and more small business owners are freezing, and spending more time freaking out than actively taking action to generate sales. If that’...
After working with over a thousand of small business owners one-to-one on on their marketing strategies, I know what business owners need in their strategies and action plans and what they don’t I don’t hunt around for what o...
I once swore I’d never run a free challenge. And here I am, with two completed and done at the time this podcast goes live. I blame my amazing client Sheryl Takayama, who is part of The Content Masterweb. As part of our coach...
If you don’t know this deep inside your soul, if it’s not something you think about when you create your content, you might end up talking to the wrong sorts of people, or letting your ideal customers go to someone else I was...
What are strategic alliances and do you need them for your small business? How do they work, and what makes a good one? In this episode of MAP IT Marketing we walk though one of the most powerful marketing strategies of all, ...
If you’re stuck in your marketing and you aren’t sure how to get unstuck then this episode is for you. We’re going to use ten different types of problem solving techniques, that you can use in any area of your life or busines...
As I record this I’ve just come off the first of my interviews with my coaching clients, recording their goals for next year so I know what to best help them with. Even though we coach and learn as a group, each one of them h...
What can you do to improve your service based business next year? How can you make your offer more appealing to your ideal clients? And how can you work better, and improve your income so it’s win win all around? With the re...
How to find your ideal niche as a service provider We are a dime-a-dozen us service providers. Sometimes it can feel like every person and their dog is a coach, consultant, or trainer. So how do we stick out enough to help th...
I love the power of freely available content that helps your potential customer find real gems of information from you. This is called ungated content as all they need to do is check out your social media, read a blog, watch ...
One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make (including marketers) is to assume that something it’s not a good idea simply because we don’t like it. Email is a great example. Everyone has an idea of what frequency o...
Creating a course is very very different from selling a course. Whether it’s a DIY, blended learning, or group coaching course, there’s this idea that if you make it, they will come. That is simply not true. Every now and aga...
If business growth is on your mind, you have five levers you can adjust in your business. The key is to know which one to work on first, and then what to do next. In this episode of MAP IT Marketing we take you through the fi...
There are no guarantees in life except when it comes to this: once we use up time, we can’t get it back. For small business owners, trying to fit marketing into an already full on week, it’s easy to understand why marketing g...
This is not my normal type of podcast! I wanted to share with you some of my new book Be a Spider, Build a Web: Sticky Content Marketing for Small Businesses. And I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a podcast that’s just the ...