Pricing right isn’t just about making sure we make some money (that’s the bare minimum expectation). It’s also about sending a message that you’ll marketing will build out about who you are selling to, what you are selling an...
What’s actually holding you back from seeing your business succeed the way you wanted to? Have you fallen into the trap of working more, and never seeing growth? Or paying everyone else in your team but not yourself? (I did t...
Should you put your pricing on your website as a service provider business? Won’t it turn people off? Expert copywriter Hayley Maxwell focuses on helping coaches, and other service-based business owners write copy that conver...
So often as business owners we fall into the trap of growing our business, focussed on the turnover and external signs of success, and forget the biggie: Profit. This was certainly true for today’s guest Jennifer McKinley who...
Sel Leigh created a business that pulled together her decades of experience in working across multiple government and NGO roles educating not-for-profit and business owners, and had a growing number of clients who loved her h...