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If you are a small business owner who’s the face of your business, and wanting to build a profile using podcasts and media coverage, taking the time to create a media kit can help you do just that.
In today’s podcast, we explore how to articulate your unique selling proposition, values, and mission within the media kit.
We also cover what visual branding elements you need to include to help build your brand identity, and what other accompanying images and logos you need to have to accompany it.
We’ll also talk about how to tailor your media kit to fit different purposes and make it work with different audiences. We’ll also talk about the most important demographic information, statistics, testimonials and social proof you need to include.
You’ll need to think about what you want to be known for before you start creating your media kit. Once that’s worked out and you’ve got your kit created you’ll be ready to pitch, guest and speak on both virtual and actual stages anywhere.
In this episode we cover:
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