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Season 1

Aug. 31, 2023

How to Know When to End a Part of Your Business

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Aug. 24, 2023

What Is a Thought Leader? And Should You Be One? - With Verity Craft

Are you a thought leader? Do you think you should be? Do you have to be a thought leader in business these days? If you want to be one, is it as simple as just calling yourself one? What’s the difference between calling your ...

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Aug. 17, 2023

Why I'm Doubling Down on Content Marketing in the Age of AI

One of the best parts of being a content marketing veteran (aka, in my 50’s and having been involved in content marketing in one way or the other for over twenty years) is seeing patterns show up in how technology impacts our...

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Aug. 10, 2023

The 15 Reasons Your Content Marketing's Not Getting Results

When someone says that social media marketing is a waste of time, email is a waste of time, any part of marketing is a waste of time my response (at the very least in my head!) is “No, you just didn’t take the time to fix the...

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Aug. 3, 2023

Running a Business with Young Children - The Juggle Is REAL - with Al…

When Alana rocked up to our group coaching day with her young daughter in tow she instantly reminded me of.. Me. Those days of taking my baby with me places is long past and I’m now looking at a completely empty nest next yea...

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July 27, 2023

Using Empathy to Build Out Your Messaging for Your Marketing

We spend a lot of time looking at our ideal clients and what they “look like” but what if we spent more time looking at what they are experiencing, what they are being influenced by, and what they are needing from us more. Us...

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July 20, 2023

The Peaceful Pipeline - Effective Marketing for Introverts - with Kat…

There’s nothing like having your entire world turned upside down to discover holes in your business. And this year that’s exactly what happened to Kat Corbett Kat’s been a freelancer, a consultant, and an agency owner. When s...

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July 13, 2023

How Service-Based Businesses Can Target the Nine Types of Buyers

I’ve only ever talked about buyer profiles before in a retail environment but we’re all talking to people and selling to them (even if we are selling to a business we are still selling to a person IN the business) So the nine...

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July 6, 2023

Staying Visible in Your Business Over the Age of 50 - with Janet Stott

When Janet Stott started Homegrown Primal she had no intention of being the face of the business. In fact she and her husband weren’t totally sure the business was going to work. At the very least they would have made a bunch...

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June 29, 2023

Do You Need a Media Kit and What Do You Put Inside It?

If you are a small business owner who’s the face of your business, and wanting to build a profile using podcasts and media coverage, taking the time to create a media kit can help you do just that. In today’s podcast, we expl...

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June 22, 2023

Repurposing Content Super Hacks Using ChatGPT - with Michelle Lange

In this episode we cover: How Michelle got started with content creation How the brand voice is key to standing out in your marketing Why Michelle needs long form content for her social media content creation How to talk to ChatGPT What types of content it can help create How to get better …

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June 15, 2023

Emergency Marketing! How to Jumping Selling Action While Still Buildi…

Things are hard out there for many small business owners right now. And I’m finding more and more small business owners are freezing, and spending more time freaking out than actively taking action to generate sales. If that’...

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June 8, 2023

How What You Wear Can Attract Your Ideal Clients - with Emma-Jane John

If you are the face of your brand, you suddenly find there’s a whole lot of other things you need to think about. And one of them is your wardrobe. We’ve talked before about home. It is important to have a brand shoot, and we...

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June 1, 2023

Is Your Pricing Telling The Right Story About Your Value?

Pricing right isn’t just about making sure we make some money (that’s the bare minimum expectation). It’s also about sending a message that you’ll marketing will build out about who you are selling to, what you are selling an...

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May 25, 2023

Shifting The Needle In Your Business - with Sarah Greener

Shifting the needle in your business -with Sarah Greener If you feel like your business is taking over your life, the “I’m too busy” refrain is living in your head and you just need to get some peace to sort out your head, th...

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May 18, 2023

What is G4 and Why Do I Need To Have It?

Most regular listeners will know I love talking content marketing, and while I know just how important analytics are, we don’t spend a huge amount of time talking about them However the change from Google Analytics to G4 is a...

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May 11, 2023

Selling Play with Playful Marketing - with Viv Conway

After four people told me about the billboards that Viv Conway’s business Girls Get Off use to market their business, I knew I had to have her on the podcast. Girls Get Off is a beautifully branded and designed female focusse...

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May 4, 2023

Storytelling for Success: How to Captivate Your Audience and Boost Yo…

I often say “tell a story, change a mind” Storytelling helps us talk to a part of the brain that is geared towards connection. But when we think about storytelling we often think of those big, powerful life changing moments o...

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April 27, 2023

Why Brand Photos Need To Be Part of Your Marketing - with Cate Thomas

Having to have our face out there building a brand can be tricky. And while there is a lot to be said for making sure we have authentic, off the cuff images and videos, having photos that show our best professional side can r...

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April 20, 2023

The Best Type of Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses

After working with over a thousand of small business owners one-to-one on on their marketing strategies, I know what business owners need in their strategies and action plans and what they don’t I don’t hunt around for what o...

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April 13, 2023

What We Learned From Running A Free Challenge - with Sheryl Takayama

I once swore I’d never run a free challenge. And here I am, with two completed and done at the time this podcast goes live. I blame my amazing client Sheryl Takayama, who is part of The Content Masterweb. As part of our coach...

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April 6, 2023

How To Work Out Why A Customer Needs You

If you don’t know this deep inside your soul, if it’s not something you think about when you create your content, you might end up talking to the wrong sorts of people, or letting your ideal customers go to someone else I was...

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March 30, 2023

Money Mindset Barriers For Women In Business - with Natalie Coombe

What’s actually holding you back from seeing your business succeed the way you wanted to? Have you fallen into the trap of working more, and never seeing growth? Or paying everyone else in your team but not yourself? (I did t...

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March 23, 2023

Will You Build An Alliance with Me? (Strategic Alliances)

What are strategic alliances and do you need them for your small business? How do they work, and what makes a good one? In this episode of MAP IT Marketing we walk though one of the most powerful marketing strategies of all, ...

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