Founder of Girls Talk Business
Ines is the founder of Girls Talk Business, a Trusted Network Business Community that supports women in business.
I was born in Croatia; my parents brought me to New Zealand when I was eight years old. I think this experience helped me build resilience to face any situation head-on. I've been married to my childhood sweetheart Dennis for 27 years and we have two fantastic adult children who show me how to be the best version of myself every day. I started Girls Talk Business in 2018. Actually, the FB group started out as Girls in Business NZ an off-shoot from The Girls In Business group which had over 10k members at the time. I remember offering to admin this group with another woman and at about 300 members I started to ask myself what is the purpose of this group. That was my first aha moment where I realised I need a reason to do this. And after 4 years I finally have my answer.
I want to help women in business like me who struggle to step into the light. When I started this group a few years back, I struggled to engage with my audience. At the time, I felt my writing skills were lacking, and I would spend much of my time playing the observer. One of the questions that would constantly haunt me: what if no one reads my posts. It all felt so overwhelming, and I had no idea where to start or what to say. Girls Talk Business helped me find my voice, create my boundaries and understand my purpose. I believe being happy is the most important part of running your business, so if you find your business is not giving your joy then you are in the wrong business.
I’m not a fan of nitty gritty action lists, but I do love mapping out a plan. I’m extremely goal orientated, and always want to know my “why” before I commit to anything. If the goal is juicy enough I’ll …