The human brain is hardwired for story over facts. This is the secret of all conspiracy theorists, politicians and cult leaders since forever. If you can tell a story, you can change a mind. Now I’m now suggesting that you listen to this podcast and go off to start your own cult! But I do want you to think about how you craft stories for your business, that help you attract your ideal clients, and help them trust you enough to buy from you.
There are a few hooks involved with learning to tell stories. We don’t want to move deep into manipulation, they shouldn’t promise something you can’t deliver and you’ve got to write it for the listeners not yourself (which sometimes means you need to leave out a really interesting side note.
I’m fascinated about the power of storytelling. I am also aware than corporate businesses have often taken this word and made it so far removed from true story - to the point where I sometimes roll my eyes when someone mentioned “tell a story”
Stories need a beginning, a middle and an end. They need conflict and drama and a central character who’s fighting a battle that only you, their partner, or coach or inspiration can help them with. This is you and them, taking on the mountain together.
In this podcast I’m going to share with you what I love about storytelling, the power of telling a story, and what it needs to include. Because there’s one thing I know. Stories are a powerful thing when we use them in our business.
In this episode we cover:
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