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I’m sure you’ve either experienced that “free webinar from hell” or heard about them. You know the ones where you sign up for what looked great on paper, to find it’s got three bits of fluffy info, and a forty minute sales pitch (with a promise of the good stuff if you stay and listen, only to find the “good stuff” was the fourth bit of fluff)
I’m a huge believer in the power of using webinars to build trust, gain new clients, and make sales. But I’m not a fan of crappy webinars that waste the participants time
So in this episode, I’m going to run down how I structure my webinars, tell you what you need to think about, and what you can do to make your webinars effective, and the elad generating machines they are supposed to be.
I struggled for a long time to get my head around webinars and how to use them, and now they’re a big part of what we do to grow trust, community and get more clients.
So come along with me as I take you behind the scenes of what I do to plan for our webinars.
In this episode we cover:
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