How To Work Out Why A Customer Needs You
If you don’t know this deep inside your soul, if it’s not something you think about when you create your content, you might end up talking to the wrong sorts of people, or letting your ideal customers go to someone else
I was that once! I struggled to really own what I do for my clients. This was a mix of under valuing what I do best, taking my particular skills for granted, being too scared to narrow what I did, and having huge mindset issues around my own value.
It was also partly not having quite the right offer sorted that fitted both my skills and what the customer really needed.
Once I dug deep into working out what the customer really needed (and wanted, but wants don’t get the yes like a need), then everything changed.
We talk a lot about customer avatars, and needing to get a clear picture of who we need to sell to. And yes, you need to know who your ideal client is really well. But we also really need to know and understand ourselves and what we sell too
Plus - we’ll talk about imposter syndrome and why we need to hit that on the head.
So this episode is all about you. Why you, how it needs to be you, and what will happen if they don’t choose you. Because all of that will help you work out what you really need to say to your future customers.
In this episode we cover:
- Why we need to understand our customer first
- What working through this process might do to your business
- Why you?
- What social proof counts and what doesn’t as much
- What people need to hear about your offer
- Why you’ve got to get uncomfortable to get the good stuff
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