May 25, 2023

Shifting The Needle In Your Business - with Sarah Greener

Shifting the needle in your business -with Sarah Greener


If you feel like your business is taking over your life, the “I’m too busy” refrain is living in your head and you just need to get some peace to sort out your head, this podcast is for you.


Sarah Greener works with women (and men who are comfortable in women’s spaces) who are business owners but also managing what she calls the "second shift” of running a home, raising a family, caring for others. 


Sarah helps these business owners find space in their life for their own wellbeing, helps them work out how to say yes to what is really important, and helps them stop being the ‘single source of truth” in their business, and their homes. 


In this episode we talk about why it’s so important to make an “I don’t” list, to start saying no unless it’s a big YES, and why outsourcing somewhere in your life is going to make the important parts of your life better.


If you’re stuck on the treadmill of busy, or being all to everyone, and you don’t know how to stop, then Sarah’s story and journey will make you start to think about how you can start pulling the right levers to make positive change and grow a business that’s not taking over every moment of you life and mind. 

In this episode we cover:

  • What we are really saying when we say “I don’t have time”
  • The mistake most small business owners make when it comes to running a business
  • Why paper and a pen is your new best friend
  • Why you should outsource before you feel ready to
  • Why our time needs to be on shifting the most important levers.
  • How to work out what your critical first steps are
  • Why we should all have an “I don’t” list

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Sarah Greener Profile Photo

Sarah Greener

Coach at Sarah Greener

1. My cool fact about me - I'm an undefeated Muay Thai boxer,
2. Cool thing about my business... coaching business was an accident. I only learnt to coach to be a better leader when we acquired a business with 90 employees. Now I wouldn't do anything else. OR the boat business - it's a recycled car ferry... originally called the Normville. not sure how relevant that one is.
Sarah Greener is passionate about businesses - mostly small ones. For the past 7 years, Sarah has been helping busy, stressed and overworked business owners transform their business and reignite the passion they had when they started out.
Growing up in a family that ran on business and a keen entrepreneurial spirit, gave Sarah a thorough grounding in the fundamentals. From there, she went on to own and run multiple businesses, in New Zealand and overseas. These ranged from retail through to e-commerce businesses, where she ran small to medium teams and dealt with the day to day operation. Each new business threw up different challenges as she thrived on the constant and never-ending improvement of each business.
Despite her natural business drive and knowledge, Sarah still made plenty of mistakes. But here’s the thing, there’s no learning or growth without mistakes. Eventually, she got caught up in the same game most business owners get into - where the passion they once felt for their business becomes all emotion and busy noise. She knows what it feels like to become overwhelmed by the ineffective activity of working in your business rather than on it, and she has helped… Read More