Should you put your pricing on your website as a service provider business? Won’t it turn people off?
Expert copywriter Hayley Maxwell focuses on helping coaches, and other service-based business owners write copy that converts on their websites.
Hayley Maxwell is a brand clarity, messaging coach, copywriter, ferocious ice cream eater, and leopard print lover… (and not necessarily in that order.)
She’s been honing her skills since the early 2000s. Helping Government entities, charities, global corporations, small businesses, and talented business women to master their message, and then bring it to rip-roaring life with compelling, respectful copywriting that inspires action. After a career in corporate comms, creating in-depth strategies, and communication plans, Hayley now works with women in business to help them create copy that increases leads and helps make sales simpler.
Hayley has strong feelings about the importance of Pricing, and shares why it’s super important to have it on your website. She also explains why we shouldn’t be afraid of the word “I”, walks through some of the common barriers we can put up when writing our website copy, and what we need to do to get it working better
We often spend so much time focussed on our social media posts, and attracting the eye of people who haven't met us yet. Hayley shows why it’s so important to get the website messaging right first, to make all that hard marketing work really get you dividends.
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The seven elements of a brand story
Creating content captions/scripts
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Brand messaging coach | Copywriter
Hayley Maxwell is a brand clarity, messaging coach, copywriter, ferocious ice cream eater, and leopard print lover… (and not necessarily in that order.)
She’s been honing her skills since the early 2000s. Helping Government entities, charities, global corporations, small businesses, and talented business women to master their message, and then bring it to rip-roaring life with compelling, respectful copywriting that inspires action.
Her mission is to help her clients stand out and become memorable, meaningful, and the only real choice for the people they really want to help.
She's also the host of the Fierce Impact podcast, and creator of The Website Copy Accelerator and Nail Your Nurture Sequence courses.