May 4, 2023

Storytelling for Success: How to Captivate Your Audience and Boost Your Business

I often say “tell a story, change a mind” Storytelling helps us talk to a part of the brain that is geared towards connection. 

But when we think about storytelling we often think of those big, powerful life changing moments of our lives and use these as our stories. And that’s not where the magic is.

In this episode we take a look at the power of storytelling. We look at how to choose the right story, why it’s not about you at all (annoying!), and how simple your story can be

I also share some examples of stories, and talk about how to present them in a written form, in video and during presentations.

Storytelling is a word that is so overused in marketing - and often small business owners know they need to do it but no one tells you HOW. 

In this podcast we aim to change that. Listen, take notes and then go write a story or two for your ideal client


Who knows what brain changes you’re making!


In this episode we cover:

  • What you need to consider before you create stories
  • Why you don’t want to tell them what they needed to learn
  • How to find stories everywhere
  • How long can a story be
  • Why you don’t want to focus on the big stuff
  • What happens when you give the story room to percolate
  • Why storytelling is so powerful for small businesses



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