Listen to our latest episode!
Aug. 11, 2022

What the ACTUAL Instagram?! with Sarah Galbraith

There is one constant in digital marketing. And that constant is change. Sometimes it’s a change for the better, sometimes it’s not, and sometimes so much changes at once it’s hard to work out what on earth is going on. 


Because I work with small business owners on marketing, I take hours a week to learn and stay updated. But with taking off a few weeks in July, I managed to miss one of the biggest (and quick to be removed) updates to Instagram in some time. I knew I needed help to work out what I’d missed, why I still needed to care about it, and what’s coming up.

Thankfully Sarah Galbraith could tell me (and you) the whole story. Sarah and I spent the Pandemic years meeting weekly on an Instagram live to talk about social media updates, and came on a bonus episode early the year. Her business The Social Approach helps Kiwi and Australian small business owners with content creation for their posts, providing both images and caption templates every month, along with support and guides. 

Instagram may have rolled back the changes I saw briefly on my feed a few weeks back, but they are coming. So listen in and learn so you’re prepared for the new ways we’ll need to use the platform to reach our target audience. Because as the platform changes, we also need to change. 

In this episode we cover:

  • Why Instagram is changing
  • Why they rolled out changes then stopped
  • What we can expect in the next few months
  • How to use your static posts within the new style
  • How we’re using hashtags now
  • What you can do with your beautiful long captions. 


Important Links

Check out The Social Approach here

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