Listen to our latest episode!
Jan. 20, 2022

What you need to do to make Pinterest work better for you with Simone Pavills

If your idea of Pinterest is just a tool to use when planning a wedding, birthday party or renovation, you may be missing out on its potential. Yes it is still a popular place to do all of this, and become exposed to every type of product, but it can be used for almost any type of business. 

If we see it as a massive search engine, you can see it can become a huge traffic source for your website. Simone Pavills fell in love with the power Pinterest could offer to small businesses, and decided to make it her core focus as a business.

She now coaches and supports others to create their own effective pinterest marketing.

Today on the MAP IT Marketing podcast, Simone shares with us how Pinterest and the way it works has changed, how to set up your account, why you should use idea pins, how much time it’s all going to take and so much more. 

If Pinterest is part of your plan this year, or you just want to make it work better, Simone’s advice is going to help you. 

Today we cover

  • How you need to think of Pinterest
  • Why people often underestimate Pinterest
  • How to get started
  • Why tailwind can really help you
  • Why it’s important to spend time on the platform
  • How Pinterest has changed in the last twelve months.
  • How Pinterest can help you grow your other social media accounts

Important Links

Simone’s Pinterest

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Simone’s website

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Simone Pavills Profile Photo

Simone Pavills

Pinterest and SEO Consultant

Simone started her freelancing career as a virtual assistant but quickly found her passion for Pinterest and search engine optimization. Simone helps women in business with trusted Pinterest and SEO services to lighten the load and live a more intentional life. Simone is also still a practicing registered nurse in accident and emergency.